Public Housing Rental
The purpose of the Public Housing Rental is to provide low-income households with serious housing needs, a quality home that is secure and affordable. This is administered under contract with central Government, and an Income Related Rent is set as low as 25% of your weekly income (after tax). This provides households with the opportunity to focus on other aspects of life such as family, health and debt repayment in order to progress towards future goals.
How it works
Public Housing Rental is provided under contract with the Ministry of Social Development (MSD). QLCHT owns the home and is the landlord, and MSD sets the rent you pay, based on your household income.
Each year MSD carries out an annual financial review in order to reassess your rent.
Your tenancy continues for as long as MSD continues to qualify you for Public Housing. If your household income increases beyond MSD's income caps and you are no longer deemed eligible for Public Housing, QLCHT will assess your situation with the view of transitioning you into an alternative housing programme.
You must meet QLCHT's general eligibility criteria AND you must also meet MSD's Public Housing eligibility criteria which is:
- Be at least 18 years of age (or 16 years in certain circumstances)
- Be a New Zealand citizen, or
- Have a resident visa or permanent resident visa and have lived in NZ continuously for at least 2 years since getting it
- Income must be under:
- $782.43 a week (after tax) if you're single with no children.
- $1,205.22 a week (after tax) if you have a partner or children.
AND you must have a serious housing need as determined by MSD. This means looking at your current housing situation and things like:
- The property's physical condition.
- If the property has basic living facilities.
- Over-crowding.
- How secure your current tenancy is.
- Whether your current property or area is safe for you and suitable for your medical or physical needs.
- Whether you could afford to rent privately.
- How difficult it is to find a private rental that meets your needs.
Click here to go to MSD's website and find out more about Public Housing and how to get assessed.