Unlocking homes in our community

View our short film
  • AHI: Brighter Future Awards

Our Vision

To transform the lives of committed people in our district by providing them an opportunity to secure an affordable place to call home.

View the results of our 2024 Renters Survey


Who's eligible?

In order to be eligible for housing assistance through QLCHT, your household must meet set eligibility criteria.
Nerin Sq residents Christmas 2013

Discover our housing programmes

We have a variety of housing programmes that fall along our housing continuum. Each programme is carefully designed so that eligible households are able to access housing assistance, regardless of their current financial situation, and progress towards home ownership.

Discover our homes

Nestled in the Southern Alps, the Queenstown Lakes district is a stunning part of the country surrounded by snowcapped mountains, crystal lakes and gorgeous countryside. We develop affordable, quality homes right throughout the wider Wānaka and Queenstown areas.
Secure Home

Affordable home ownership

Learn more about our assisted ownership programme Secure Home. You might be closer to owning your own home than you realise!
Corina & Fran O'Connor PH Senior, Toru
Rodnul Dad Ritasha Mum Ricardo Rosabel at Toru East side
Unlocking homes

We were able to buy our first home in Queenstown through QLCHT’s Secure Home programme. We're stoked!

Rodnul and Ritasha Queenstown - Family of four
Kris Karla Lodge v2 Alps View Mar22 v2
Transforming lives

We are very thankful to the trust for making it possible for us to settle with our kids in our forever home.

Karla and Kris Queenstown - Family of four
Creating opportunities

The Housing Trust has allowed me to start my own business, by offering me secure housing and the opportunity to purchase a home.

Rachel and Little Mabel Queenstown - family of four
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Helping Whānau

The Housing Trust has helped not just Karl and I, but my wider whānau. Ēhara tāku toa i te toa takatahi, engari he toa takitini. Our strength is not made from us alone but made from many. We're stronger together.

Shyla, Karl and Whānau Queenstown - family
Hikuwai 1
Putting down roots

Words cannot fully describe what having a QLCHT home means to our family. Knowing that we are raising our child in a secure home, has given us so much. We are so happy to have our home, to plant a garden and put down roots.

Sam and Dave Wanaka - family of three
Elma Haydon Nov24
Beyond grateful

I am beyond grateful for having acquired a senior unit in the Tewa Banks development. I truly feel as if I have won the lottery! I love my new home to bits and am so excited for this new chapter.

Elma Tewa Banks
24 Nov Drone shot 2 v2

The QLCHT team have been incredible helping us settle into a secure home and all in such a short amount of time. We are so appreciative for their support and they have made the process so easy. We love our new home and can’t wait to truly make it our own.

Dan & Jade Mount Cardrona Station